From Stories to Social: Altman’s 70th Anniversary Triumph with Pilot

Client: Altman Lighting

Challenge: To highlight Altman Lighting’s 70 years in the lighting industry by sharing the story of Altman’s history and how Altman has been present at so many lifetime milestones in many people’s lives.

Solution: Pilot collected historical images and stories/testimonials from throughout the industry, organically creating assets for the 70th anniversary campaign. Pilot then developed a content calendar utilizing these assets in a social media campaign that encouraged end-users to post their own images on social media. These posts were incentivized with the offer of a free commemorative t-shirt for anyone who posted and by active engagement by Pilot throughout the campaign that ran from 6/7/–10/10/2023.

Results: A total of 66 posts were made to Altman’s social media channels. 34 posts were made to Facebook and 32 to Instagram. The 66 posts resulted in a total of 109 comments, 66 shares, and 14 saves on Instagram (Facebook does not provide information on saves). The campaign also resulted in a 3% growth of Instagram followers and a significant increase in both reach and page/profile visits on Facebook.

Join us in commemorating a historic journey that illustrates the influence of social media in orchestrating a celebration and elevating outreach and engagement across platforms. Altman’s desire to highlight their years of business in the lighting industry, via a 70th Anniversary Celebration Campaign with Pilot, boosted their social media presence, following, and engagement and led to a walk down memory lane for the company, their customers, and their former and current employees.

Challenge: Illuminating the Legacy of Altman Lighting

Altman Lighting sought to commemorate their impressive 70-year legacy. The challenge was not only to celebrate the company's rich history but to engage its audience by weaving a narrative that highlighted Altman's presence in countless significant life moments.

Solution: An Aggressive and Impactful Organic Campaign of Social Media Content and Engagement

In response to Altman's desire to showcase its history and the impact it has had on people's lives, Pilot developed a multifaceted approach. Historical images and stories/testimonials were collected, creating a treasure trove of assets for Altman's 70th-anniversary campaign.

Pilot reached out to dealers, representatives, and organizations like USITT and ESTA. This strategic network-building resulted in a collection of photos and stories that formed the backbone of the campaign. Social media emerged as the ideal platform for this celebration, with a call to action for end-users to share their own images. To sweeten the deal, Altman offered a free 70th Anniversary t-shirt for every participant.

Pilot crafted a content calendar and actively engaged with followers, fostering a sense of community around Altman's legacy.

Results: Increased Reach, Followers, and Engagement and a Wealth of Altman Lighting Photos, Stories, and Incredible Memories

The campaign spanned from June 7–October 10, 2023, and the impact was spectacular. Across Altman's social media channels, 66 posts illuminated the screens of enthusiasts. Facebook hosted 34 posts, and Instagram showcased 32.

The engagement was remarkable, with a total of 109 comments, 66 shares, and 14 saves on Instagram. Although Facebook does not provide information on saves, the visible interaction was a testament to the campaign's resonance.

On Instagram, Altman witnessed a 3% growth in followers and the campaign resulted in a substantial increase in reach and visits to Altman's page/profile on Facebook.

The success of this campaign not only celebrated Altman's 70-year journey but also reinforced its presence in the hearts and minds of its audience. The marriage of storytelling, active community involvement, and digital marketing strategies not only illuminated Altman's past but laid the groundwork for an even brighter future. As the curtain fell on the 70th-anniversary celebration, Altman Lighting emerged not just as a brand but as a beacon, casting its light on decades of memories and paving the way for the next chapter in its storied history.

If our client's narrative has struck a chord with you and you're eager to delve into comparable opportunities for your business, we urge you to reach out. Initiate a dialogue with Pilot about your distinctive journey, aspirations, and the route to actualizing them. Let's collaboratively craft a compelling tale of triumph!


Amplifying Success through Pilot’s Multi-Channel Marketing: A Case Study