Amplifying Success through Pilot’s Multi-Channel Marketing: A Case Study

Client: Procraft Supply - an AV equipment and tools e-commerce store

Challenge: Procraft Supply wanted to increase its online sales and brand awareness across various marketing channels.

Solution: Pilot implemented a multi-channel strategy, including social media posting and advertising, email marketing, automated workflows, Performance Max campaigns, with a coordinated approach to on-page optimization of the website.

Results: Over three quarters, the retailer saw the following increases over the same period of the previous year: 1.5K% in total sales, 193% in online store sessions, 77%  in online store conversion rate, 425% in online orders, and 396% for first time customers.

Amplifying Success through Pilot’s Multi-Channel Marketing: A Case Study

Welcome to a fascinating tale of transformation, one that showcases how the power of multi-channel marketing can breathe new life into an e-commerce business. Our client's aspirations and ambitions led them to the crossroads of innovation, and they embraced this change with open arms.

Challenge: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Realization

Our story begins with a passionate e-commerce store specializing in AV equipment and tools, Procraft Supply. This client had a remarkable array of products that catered to the audiovisual needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike. Yet, despite their top-quality offerings, they faced a common challenge in the digital age - they weren't reaching as many potential customers as they deserved. Sales were far from their full potential, and brand recognition wasn't as strong as they'd hoped.

The challenge was clear: to boost online sales and elevate brand awareness across a wide spectrum of marketing channels, paying particular attention to the brands customer niche with tailored messaging.

Solution: A Symphony of Marketing Strategies

The solution was not a one-size-fits-all approach. It was a symphony composed of several harmonious strategies, each designed to play a unique role in our client's journey to success. No complex jargon, no technical wizardry – just a clear and understandable roadmap for the future.

  • Automation and Workflows: Utilizing Hubspot, Pilot built automated workflows to re-engage customers who had become inactive, to send special deals to active customers, and to continue to build the client’s customer contact list. Not only did the workflows ensure that our efforts below worked together harmoniously, but it reduced time spent on these activities, consequently, optimizing the client's budget to achieve greater impact.

  • Streamlined Processes: In addition to the Hubspot automation and workflows, Pilot also created a streamlined process across the clint’s cross-functional teams for all future marketing endeavors employing Asana, a library of key messaging pillars for both products and the client’s overall brand, as well as the brand voice to be used when targeting various customer segments.

  • Social Media Presence: Pilot harnessed the power of social media platforms to amplify the client's message. Engaging, visually appealing organic posts and paid ads caught the attention of potential customers, pulling them into the world of AV equipment and tools.

  • Email Marketing: Emails were crafted with care and precision, offering value to subscribers while keeping the brand fresh in their minds. Our emails were not mere communications; they were invitations to discover, to explore, and to invest.

  • Performance Max Campaigns: Leveraging Google's Performance Max campaigns, we reached customers where they were most likely to engage with our client's products. This strategy prioritized efficient ad spend and focused on conversions.

  • On-page SEO: The client's website got a facelift. Pilot meticulously devised a plan to optimize pages in close collaboration with the client's desired campaigns. This approach ensured we remained fully aligned with the highest-priority products from the top-selling manufacturers, ultimately accelerating progress in the most strategic areas.

Results: A Leap Towards Success

Fast forward three quarters, and the numbers are nothing short of astounding. The client saw a remarkable transformation:

  • Total Sales: A staggering 1,500% increase compared to the same period the previous year. That's not a typo. It's a true testament to the power of multi-channel marketing.

  • Online Store Sessions: A whopping 193% increase in the number of visitors. The store became a digital hotspot for AV enthusiasts.

  • Online Store Conversion Rate: A 77% rise in conversion rate. More visitors were not just browsing; they were making purchases.

  • Online Orders: A remarkable 425% increase. The floodgates had opened, and orders poured in.

  • First Time Customers: A heartwarming 396% increase. The brand was not only thriving but also welcoming new fans.

Procraft Supply’s journey was a remarkable one, and the results speak for themselves. They had not just achieved success; they'd exceeded their own expectations. In an age when it's easy to get lost in the digital crowd, they had found their unique voice and attracted a devoted audience.

It's a story of growth, of progress, and of embracing the possibilities that multi-channel marketing offers. But most importantly, it's a story of passion and partnership, of a client's dreams and our commitment to making them a reality.

If our client's story has resonated with you and you'd like to explore similar possibilities for your business, we invite you to get in touch. Let's start a conversation about your unique journey, your dreams, and the path to realizing them. Together, we can create a story of success!


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